Archive Mode. Call The Art of the Eye ended on 2/25/18, 12:01 AM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Entry & Submission Guideline

Entry Guidelines  and Submission Fees
  • Entries must be submitted online.
  • Entry fee is $10 for 3 submissions.
  • Entry fees are non-refundable.
Images of accepted works may be used at the sole discretion of KCS for promotional purposes including but not limited to the invitation, website or on a subsequent year’s prospectus. An image will include attribution whenever possible.
  •  A maximum of 3 original works created within the past 2 years may be entered
  • Works previously exhibited in a show at any KCS function are not eligible.
  • Works may not exceed 48 inches in width, height or depth, including the frame.
  • All work must be visibly signed by the artist (front or back) and include edition numbers (1/1, 2/50, e.g.) for hand-pulled prints. Works must be priced for sale or marked POR (price on request).
  • Work must be original in concept and design and created by the artist. No commercially produced or reproduced artwork will be accepted.
  • No works produced in multiple quantities are accepted unless produced from the original means by the artist’s hand and does not exist in another medium.
  • Photographic prints must be made directly by the artist and shall have been analog or digitally processed by the artist
Digital Image Requirements
  • Image minimum length on the longest size: 1920PX
  • Image maximum length on the longest side: 4600PX 
  • Max file size images: 4mb.Audio,Video & PDF: 25MB
  • Allowed file types: JPG, PDF
  • Name each image as follows: artist’s last name_first,  name_entry  number